- Roots VII -
Recently I came across a zeiss Sonnar 8.5cm f2.0 contax mount (1936), and I took it out for a test shoot.
The film snapped off early (first time ever…!), and I did not notice until the counter was back on zero..
The lens has a reputation of flaring without a hood, so I challenged it by shooting against the «lightsource»
I also did not have the viewfinder, so it was guessing the frame ...

Had to crop it to make it work…

Camera: Contax iia
Lens: Carl Zeiss Sonnar 8.5cm f2.0 at f2.8 - 1/25 (1936)
Film: Fomapan 100
Negative scan, R09 1/40 7min
  • Contax iia
  • Carl Zeiss Sonnar 8.5cm f2.0 (1936)
  • Brennvidde85mm
  • Blenderf/2.8
  • Lukker1/25s
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriNatur
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger20
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